Question and Answer with Laurel Gallucci from Sweet Laurel 

Photo by @elsiechristine

Photo by @elsiechristine

We are so inspired by this humble, talented, and incredibly kind Cha Cha Mamma. Laurel is the co-founder of Sweet Laurel, an organic, whole ingredient, grain-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free bakery. You have probably already heard of it, and we have certainty been fans ever since it first began! Sweet Laurel truly has something for everyone. Their delicious treats will satisfy your sweet tooth in a way that is as actually good for your body. Laurel's journey with baking began at a very young age, but her passion came to a halt when she was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease, which is an auto-immune disorder that causes the thyroid to function at a lower rate. She tried everything to treat her Hashimoto's, until she eventually turned to food as her healer. After tons of hard work and determination, she made some simple adjustments to her diet and has now completely reversed her Hashimoto's, and continues to live a beautiful, healthy life with her husband and two boys.

Laurel was kind enough to chat with us and let us know a little more about what inspired her to start Sweet Laurel, how she runs her business while raising two boys, and the things she loves most about motherhood. We know you will love her insight just as much as we do, and we hope that her journey will continue to inspire Mammas everywhere!


 1. Becoming a mother is one of the most transitional times in a woman’s life. What is one piece of advice that you would give to new mammas? 

Enjoy the little sweet moments that are soon fleeting.… like a cuddle between feeding sessions, newborn nighttime routine. Also - lean into family and friends for support! Say yes!  

2. We admire you so much for using the healing powers of food to help turn your health around. We want to encourage all women to lean into their diet as a way of promoting their health as well! What did this transition look like for you? 

I had to do it, I had tried EVERYTHING else. Seriously.. my husband and I spent so much money going to all the different types of doctors. I tried different hormone programs, supplements, nothing was working. I needed to lower my inflammation to heal and work on gut health, and once I removed inflammatory foods and reinoculated my gut with good bacteria, I saw the greatest change. 

3. What is something that no one warned you about regarding pregnancy or motherhood 

Mom guilt! Had no idea it was a thing. This is what I struggle with the most as a working mom. 

4. Was there anything that you craved during your pregnancies?  

 Lemon, strawberries and crunchy salad were my pregnancy cravings. Then as soon as my babies were out, all I wanted was good fats like coconut and grass fed butter!! 

 5. There are so many aspects that go into running a business and being a mom at the same time. What are some tips that you use to help juggle being a mother and a business owner? 

 This is ever-changing and a constant challenge, still figuring it out! I would say an important thing is boundaries between your family time, work time and personal time. Not letting one infringe on the other.  

6. What is one thing that you are doing to take care of yourself during this time? 

Dry brushing, sauna (I have an infrared sauna and a steam sauna and I love using both!!) and family walk at the end of the work day. 

7. What is one thing that you feel has helped you grow your business? 

 Strategic partnerships have always been huge for us at Sweet Laurel. Whether it is with brands or individuals – these are so valuable and the most important for growth.  

 8. What is one staple that you always have in your kitchen? 

I like to say I have 5 core ingredients at Sweet Laurel, and if you have these 5 ingredients you can make any of our recipes! These are almond flour, coconut oil, 100% maple syrup, Himalayan pink salt and organic eggs. Other bonus items are almond butter and cacao ;). 

9. We love how you combined your passion for baking with your own personal aesthetic to create Sweet Laurel. Do you have any tips on how other mammas can turn their passions into a business? 

Write your vision down or share it with another, and return to it every now and then. There may be shifts and pivots that happen along the way, which is totally normal and a good thing usually, but always bare in mind the purpose and goal and let that inspire you. 

 10. Who is one woman that has inspired you in your life? 

I’ve been blessed with so many solid women in my life. At the moment, my sister is an inspiration. She’s a nurse practitioner on the front lines, working day in and day out to help others. 

Check out Sweet Laurel’s gorgeous cookbook! It makes the perfect gift for yourself or for your loved ones, plus it looks so beautiful on any countertop. We are especially loving the Summer Strawberry Tart right now! Also, stay tuned for Sweet Laurel Savory coming February of 2021!


Sweet Laurel not only makes incredible cakes, but they have also featured so many other products such as homemade vanilla extract, make-your-own cake kits, hand sanitizers, and vegan chocolate chip cookie dough!

Click here to shop their products!

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Photo by @elsiechristine

Photo by @elsiechristine


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