Our Chat with Lorena Garcia from Majka  

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Lorena is the incredible co-founder of Majka, a brand that strives to help keep Mammas as well-nourished as possible, with a focus on lactation. Their goal is to empower mothers with products that replenish their bodies and nourish their milk supply. Majka was started by moms for moms in an effort to create clean, whole-food, plant based, non-GMO snacks that any busy Mamma can eat in a pinch.  

In our chat with Lorena, we talk about motherhood, cravings, and running a business...plus she gives us a full guide on what Majka products she recommends are best to start with.  

Enjoy xx

1. What is one piece of advice that you would give to a first-time mamma?   

My advice would be to always remember to take care of yourself. As a new mom, you feel like everybody needs you all the time. I believe that if you want to be able to take care of your family and show up for everyone that needs you throughout the day, you have to take care of yourself first, from nourishing yourself and your body to taking a break when you want and need one. 

2. What were some of your biggest pregnancy cravings? 

At the beginning of the pregnancy I was SO sick. But once my nausea went away I craved fermented foods like sauerkraut and or anything with filling fats. So I definitely overdid the avocado toast every day.  

3. We absolutely love your mission at Majka! What inspired you to create it? 

 Once I learned I was pregnant with my first son Diego, I became so passionate about what I put in my body and creating the healthiest environment for my family. I was so excited to be a new mom but I was physically and mentally exhausted, depleted and overwhelmed. I felt like I wasn’t producing enough milk for my baby and started feeling guilty.   

I couldn’t find any safe, vegan, whole food based products that could help me get all the nutrients my postpartum and breastfeeding body needed. I realized that at least one other mom out there had to be having the same problem, so my fellow new mother and good friend Majo and I created Majka. We’ve made it our mission to help moms enjoy motherhood at every stage, especially through high-quality products that we can trust to deliver us the postnatal nutrition and lactation support we need. 

4. What are some tips that you use to help you juggle being a mother and running a business? 

This is something that I believe takes patience and constant adjustment, but there are a few things I make sure to do to help with being both a mom and a business owner. My first tip is to plan in advance. This can help you avoid any conflicts or frustration with scheduling because, as a new mom, you’re always busy with something to do or someone to take care of! I also recommend adding everything to a calendar - I feel like Google Calendar is my lifeline as a business owner and a mom, and I put every small detail in there, from meetings to scheduling time to eat or pump! 

I also make sure to know and keep in mind what is important to me, this way I can find my top priorities and decide what I want to allocate my time to. My last two tips are pretty simple. I always try to be mindful and avoid wasting time on things that I don’t actually feel contribute to my life or goals.  

And finally, what I think is the most important is to get rid of any guilt. As a mom, I used to feel guilty about not spending my entire day with my son. Now, I allocate enough time for all of my priorities, including my business and my family, so that I feel like I’m actually doing the things I want to do. This helps me feel better about spending some time without my kids on something like work! 

5. What is something that no one warned you about regarding pregnancy or motherhood? 

 One thing that I think it’s rarely talked about is how though motherhood is AMAZING sometimes it can be isolating! I remember when I had my first son though I was surrounded by people I love and I still felt lonely and somehow I felt like I was going through it by myself.  

Now I can recognize it was baby blues but I had only heard of postpartum depression. I lacked a lot of general postpartum knowledge.  

6. What is something that you are doing to take care of yourself during this time? 

I recently had my second baby, Andres, and have been going through the new mom process all over again, and this time I feel a little more prepared!  

I’ve been paying attention to my body’s needs, and trying not to put too much pressure on myself both as a mom and at work. I’ve also been properly nourishing my body.  

Your energy and mood as a mom are impacted by the foods you eat and how you treat your body, so it’s very important to keep myself accountable for what I put into my body and also give myself time to rest too.  

7. What has been one aspect of motherhood that you have found to be the most rewarding? 

 The unconditional love I feel from my boys! I love every hug, every smile, and every stare. It makes it all worth it. 

8. Which product from Majka do you recommend that Mammas start out with? 

As moms, we want to be sure that we’re fueling ourselves and our loved ones with safe products. We always recommend starting out with the Majka Nourishing Lactation Powder if you are new to Majka.  

This product is everything a mom needs in one simple supplement, and it’s actually formulated to serve as your complete postnatal vitamin. Through a blend of bioavailable vitamins, minerals, and herbs, the Nourishing Lactation Powder completely nourishes your body, repletes you with all the nutrients you need, and supports your milk supply and energy levels.  

Whether you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or healing your body postpartum, it will help you feel your best!   

9. What is one staple that you always have in your kitchen? 

 Our Majka Nourishing Lactation Powder! Starting my day with a nutrient dense smoothie gives me sustained energy and the easiest way to get the vitamins and nutrients I need in less than 5 minutes. 

10.  Who is one woman that has inspired you in your life? 

I feel like now with social media we get access to so many women that are inspiring. However, I know this might be a typical response but I am inspired by my mother who has always tried to show us that we are better than we think we are and has always been there for us.  

Head to www.lovemajka.com to find out more about Majka! Even if you are not breastfeeding, their snacks are incredible, nutrient dense, and beneficial for any Mamma!


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