Caffeine Machine

As we all know, the world runs on coffee. You are likely one busy Mamma who is, like every woman, trying to run the world, develop her career, look beautiful, cook dinner, do a face mask, and oh yeah….grow a human! You have no time to waste, and you may feel like you need a caffeine fix to keep you going, especially if you have other children. Most women are well aware that excessive amounts of caffeine can be a problem during pregnancy, but what about just a little bit? The overall research is relatively unclear, but most of the current research has not raised major concern over caffeine consumption that is less than 200mg a day (Morgan, Koren, Bozzo, 2013). This is about a 12oz cup of coffee. Please of course speak to your doctor and/or your certified prenatal nutritionist before consuming anything during pregnancy. 

*Remember that there can also be caffeine in other products besides coffee, such as chocolate and tea, so make sure to consider those as well!

* Also check out this gorgeous organic, fair-trade, low acid coffee brand made for Mammas by Mammas. They have decaf (pink), half caf (blue), and quarter caf (green)!

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