Our Chat with Valerie Metz

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Check out our awesome interview with Valerie Metz, an incredible vintage-loving, business-owning powerhouse mamma. In this interview, Valerie talks about the significance of her Latina heritage, and how it is important to her for her family’s values to be instilled in her children. She also discusses just how she juggles being a mamma and running a successful business, all while getting specific about her gorgeous taste in clothes. We hope you enjoy our chat with Valerie as much as we did! Plus, if you want to buy great vintage pieces, check out her shop @nodiggityshop.

1. Becoming a mother is one of the most transitional times in a woman’s life. What is one piece of advice that you would give to new mammas? 

There are a lot of things I would say to a new mama but one piece of advice I would give is to not be afraid to ask for help. For some reason, we feel like we have to have it all together especially with this new transition but I wish I would've been vocal in the beginning about how much I was truly struggling and how willing family and friends are to help! 

2. We love how you celebrate your beautiful Latina roots. Can you tell us a little bit about what your roots mean to you what you want your children to know about their heritage?  

Thank you, it's taken a long time to feel fully confident as a Latina! My roots are a constant reminder of deep culture value and the hard work my parents did to give me the future I have now.  I want our kids to always feel confident in their brown skin and multicultural household. My parents are both Hispanic/Latinos so it was very easy for me to grow up in an ethnic home. Since I am married to a Caucasian man, the work falls predominantly on me which causes me to truly be intentional about the culture values I am passing down.  

3. What is something that no one warned you about regarding pregnancy or motherhood? 

 Something no one really warned me about motherhood was how difficult the transitions in my friendships would be. When I had my first, I struggled HARD with loneliness and I let it rob the joys you are supposed to experience when entering into motherhood. I am SO thankful to have the relationships that I have now! 

4. Was there anything that you craved during your pregnancies?  

Oh yes, I craved anything potato related when I was pregnant with my son! Tater tots, fries, hash browns, you name it. With my daughter, I craved carbs and fruit!  

5. There are so many aspects that go into running a business and being a mom at the same time. What are some tips that you use to help juggle being a mother and a business owner? 

 Yes it is a juggle for sure! For me personally, my husband and family are my biggest helpers and cheerleaders. I am so thankful to have a partner truly encourage my work, creativity, and self care. Our household is a real partnership and I'm excited to see how that benefits our kids as they get older!  

6. What is one thing that you are doing to take care of yourself during this time? 

One thing I'm doing to practice self-care is exercising (which sounds like a lame answer) but I love getting up early and running outside and making it back in time before the kids wake up.  

7. What is one thing that you feel has helped you grow your business? 

 Something that has helped grow my business for me has been consistency and drive. I try to always treat my freelance business as a strict business with office hours and such which I think has helped! 

8. What is one staple that you always have in your wardrobe? 

One staple I always have is a fun colored blouse! I love mixing it up with denim, shorts, overalls, etc. 

9. How would you describe your personal style? 

 I would best describe my style as funky and vintage. I love collecting old pieces but also making it loud and vibrant!  

10. Who is one woman that has inspired you in your life 

One woman that has inspired me has been my mom honestly! She came into this country in the back of a trunk, no money, and zero English and has worked the HARDEST out of anyone I know. She is a real go getter and I respect her hustle! She's also very stylish and I admire her wardrobe ;) 

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