Our Chat with Nicole Trunfio, the Founder of Bumpsuit


This incredible Cha Cha Mamma, Nicole Trunfio, is the founder of the ever so gorgeous Bumpsuit brand that creates the most comfortable and stylish layer to every Mamma’s wardrobe. The suits are perfect for pregnancy and beyond. As a powerful woman with many different businesses and careers, Nicole kindly answered a few of our questions on how she juggles motherhood and running her powerhouse business. We hope you enjoy learning from her valuable insight and from all of her tips and tricks when it comes to business, fashion, wellness, and motherhood.

1. Becoming a mother is one of the most transitional times in a woman’s life. What is one piece of advice that you would give to new mammas?

Make sure you have all of your favorite things around you to nurture you - your favorite foods, TV shows, comfy socks. Create a womb like environment for yourself so that you can be present and enjoy the beautiful moments of being a new mother. 

2. What inspired you to start Bumpsuit? Also is there a story behind the ingenious name?

I really just wanted a comfortable uniform that I could wear everyday. I had a catsuit that I loved but it didn’t grow with me, so I took the idea of that and expanded on it. I spent a lot of time perfecting our product- finding the best material for stretching and growing bodies, double lining it and making sure it was seamless. I want women to feel supported when they wear Bumpsuit, before and after pregnancy.

3. What is something that no one warned you about regarding pregnancy or motherhood?

The possibility of pooping while in labor! Haha. And how painful it is when your milk comes in. In regards to motherhood, I never knew how powerful a mother's instinct could truly be. It trumps any information that has been taught to you: it's a primal feeling. It's something that is an amazing tool to guide you through motherhood. 

4. What are the top 3 must-haves that you feel are most important in every mamma's wardrobe?

A bumpsuit for everyday, our support waist trainer, and a comfy bra. I spent a lot of time developing our support waist trainer based on the ayurvedic idea of the 4th trimester, when a woman is healing post birth. This particular item helps guide the body and organs back to a pre birth state and provides support and stability during breastfeeding. It’s also really comfortable, which was a priority of mine when I designed it. 

5. There are so many aspects that go into running a business and being a mom at the same time. What are some tips that you use to help juggle being a mother and a business owner?

I try to be present wherever I am. When I am with my kids, I try and focus on them, and when I am working I try and focus on that. You have to get used to multitasking and accepting the ebb and flow of where you’re needed most. 

6. What is one thing that you are doing to take care of yourself during this time? Any rituals?

Simplifying my entire life! My wardrobe, my home, my social life, my financials, so that everything has a little bit more ease to it and nothing is over-complicated. When life is too complicated, it adds more stress overall. It's all about scaling back on everything and simplifying and finding the joy in that simplicity. 

7. What is one thing that you feel has helped you grow your business? 

What inspires me to grow my business is working in what I feel is a 'new' or 'unconventional' way. We don't have a hierarchy, we work with a fantastic team-oriented mentality that is drama free, positive and uplifting. We are a workplace that welcomes people making mistakes - it's human! I believe that mistakes allow people to grow and not be afraid to take risks and experiment. I find that this is a more inspiring way to run and grow my business - and it makes people happier to go to work in the long run. 

I have always trusted my gut instinct when it comes to business, and it has always served me well. My businesses have been built on the idea of filling a void in the market while simultaneously helping other women to feel good. That is what I keep in mind when making business decisions.

8. Which Bumpsuit pieces are you living in right now?

The Stevie, the Waist Trainer, the Comfy Bra, the Support Brief, and the Cindy! And I also love our newest dress, the Renee, which hasn't launched yet! Stay tuned…

9. Did you have any specific cravings during pregnancy?

Panda licorice - the raspberry flavor! - macrobiotic bowls, and baked blue crab handrolls.

10. Who is one woman that has inspired you in your life?

Both of my grandmothers! And Oprah, Sarah Blakely, and Billie Eilish. I could think of so many more, women inspire me on a daily basis. 

Click Here to shop all of the gorgeous pieces at Bumpsuit!



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