Light Your Fire

One of the simplest and most effective ways to uplift the vibe in any room is by lighting a candle. The ambiance of the candlelight combined with a mild, natural scent is just what every woman needs to make her day feel a little more luxurious. Lighting candles for celebration, decoration, and relaxation has been seen around the world and across cultures and we are all it! Plus these days there are so many gorgeous ones that will be the perfect addition to your coffee table or bathroom counter. Us women are busy ruling the world and growing babies... and that can be pretty stressful! 

That being said, so many candles on the market may look beautiful, but they can be ridden with all sorts of chemicals, artificial fragrances, and waxes (such as paraffin wax) that may in fact be polluting your home. Candles are supposed to create a clean, stress-free environment...not a toxic one.  This is particularly important during pregnancy. A recent study, found that prenatal exposure to indoor air pollutants may increase your child’s likelihood of developing allergies and other health challenges (Gallant & Ellis, 2019). As you can see, new research is being published every day, and we want to help you stay on the pulse of science one post at a time.

Here is What to Look For:

  • When picking a scent, try to stay away from artificially scented candles. Try to look for candles that have been scented with essential oils or plants themselves, or even go for fragrance free.  

  • Coconut wax is the best, and soy is okay, but not as clean as coconut.

  • Try to burn your candles for no more than 30 minutes to an hour at a time. 

*Do not be deceived by pretty packaging! Many candles may look beautiful, but may not be safe. Here are some gorgeous candles that we are into right now! They will be relaxing, and safe for you and your Babba. 

Diptyque Luxury Candle

Sijo Candle

Eden’s Garden Candle Set


The Essentials on Essential Oils


The Dry Brush Rush