Freezing Your Face Off

Here at Cha Cha Mamma, we are all about low risk, research based techniques that will help you live the most beautiful and healthy life possible during every stage of womanhood. While this is definitely a modern brand that is always looking for the newest advancements in medicine, nutrition, wellness, development, etc, we can appreciate the remedies that humans have been participating in throughout history. One of those remedies is icing. Icing an injury to reduce swelling is probably the oldest trick in the book, and it really works.  If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? People have been using ice to treat all types of ailments for a very long time, and it still continues to hold true in modern research. I am sure you have heard of all of the different types of cryotherapy clinics and other companies that are using the age-old technique of icing to make an impact. We, however, are interested in icing at a much smaller level, particularly for pregnancy. 

 Ice is an effective way to reduce inflammation on the skin, and that it is free of unwanted side effects. All women have experienced mornings when they wake up feeling red, puffy, and covered in breakouts. Unfortunately, many pregnant women experience these types of mornings rather frequently, and for a million different reasons. Cooling down your face can be a great way to reduce redness, puffiness, and oiliness. It also may help shrink pores and calm acne. Not only is it incredibly soothing, but it is a wonderful way to wake up and freshen up for your busy day ahead. Consider adding a frosty facial to your morning routine to prep your skin before adding in your serums and moisturizers. 

* It is also important to be aware not to leave the ice on for too long, as it can begin to damage the layers of the skin. 30 seconds to 1 minute of distributing an the ice around your face, is more than enough to get your skin feeling alive and awake. We recommend putting the ice in a clean face cloth and lightly patting on clean skin, or even putting a face roller in the refrigerator and gently massaging around the face. Please also remember to consult your dermatologist before applying anything on your body, especially during pregnancy.

*We found some gorgeous icy face tools for you to try! Stay tuned for more research to come on the effectiveness of face tools, which ones are the best, and why.

1. Georgia Louis Cryo Freeze Tools

Super pretty to look at, and fun to use. They are great for increasing circulation and waking that beautiful face up! We also absolutely adore anything Georgia Louis!

2. Jade Roller

Extremely calming and grounding. Refrigerating them makes them adds that magical cooling element that seems to work so well.

3. URYOUTH Ice Roller

These stainless steel rollers get extra cold when refrigerated! They are incredibly cooling and are perfect for really getting into the many little crevices of the face.


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