Wipe Hype
With all of the diaper changing that your baby's skin is going to endure over the first few years of its life, it is important to consider the products you are using so that you can keep your baby's bottom, well... smooth like a baby's bottom. One of the major players in the health of your baby's sensitive skin comes down to the kinds of wipes you use. According to recent research, there are multiple factors that go into choosing the right wipe for your baby's needs (Vongsa, Rodriguez, Koenig, Cunningham, 2019). Though this study was conducted on premature babies who have particularly sensitive skin, abiding by these simple steps may help keep every Babba's booty clean and fresh. Here is a great chart on the attributes of properly formulated wipes, that these researchers created.
(Vongsa, Rodriguez, Koenig, Cunningham, 2019)
According to this chart, the main factors to consider when looking for wipes are:
Do they help properly remove fecal matter form the skin?
Are they alcohol free? This may help prevent skin-irritation.
Are the emollient, or soft? This may help keep your baby’s bottom from getting scratched or irritated.
Are they acidic? This helps the skin’s natural protective mechanisms and also may help kill off any irritants that can be found in the feces.
Are the properly preserved? This makes sure that there is no contamination of the wipes.