Cutest Costumes for Kids

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Can you ever have too much dress up? We think not! Since everyone is still staying home, it just means that there is more time for you and your kids to dive into that colorful closet filled with adventure! Dressing up is a great way for your kids to explore the wonders of their imaginations and to practice pretend play, which is a very important skill! Click here to read our post about the Power of Play. Whether for Halloween, or for a Tuesday afternoon tea party, here are some of our favorite costumes for your little kiddos.

  1. Avocado Baby

2. Flower Fairy Dress


3. Aeromax Jr. Astronaut Suit


4. My Little Sunshine


5. Mermaid Wrap Dress

6. Swan Cape Dress Up


7. Baby Shark Doo Doo


Time to get dressed up!


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